Hataraku Maou-Sama!
Alternative : はたらく魔王さま! (Japanese); 打工吧! 魔王大人; 打工吧魔王大人 (Chinese); Demon Lord at Work!; The Devil Is a Part-Timer (English); Hataraku Maou-sama! - Author(s) : Wagahara Satoshi Hiragi Akio
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Aug 07, 12:23
- view : 36.500.000
- Genre : Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen, Supernatural
Hataraku Maou-Sama!:
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After being soundly thrashed by the hero Emilia, the Devil King and his general beat a hasty retreat to a parallel universe…only to land plop in the middle of bustling, modern-day Tokyo! Lacking the magic necessary to return home, the two are forced to assume human identities and live average human lives until they can find a better solution. And to make ends meet, Satan finds gainful employment at a nearby fast food joint! With his devilish mind set on working his way up the management food chain, what will become of his thirst for conquest?
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