Horizon Project:
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Out of nowhere, A mysterious machine rose from the land. This grand machine divided and reshaped the world. Isolating each half. Soon Mankind began to change, evolving into mutants known as DeviantsLong ago, the Earth we live on today was split into two Horizons and Humans developed uncanny abilities known as Deviants. Humans who developed these abilities were launched over The Horizon to the East. The Horizon Project, a system where deviants protected themselves and their side of the world, was launched in response. Almost as if the event was foreseen. This system developed and changed as time went on, resembling a Hero Agency, mitigating chaos all over the East Horizon.Taiga Stelios, the self-proclaimed "Greatest", strives to get his name known far and wide. His goal is to reach the stars he admires and outshine each and every single one of them.( ( (
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