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Summary refers to the Ohzora Shuppan re-print, 2007:1. Lovers and SoulsShinomiya is a beautiful college art student who lacks the morals common to most people. After agreeing to be a nude model for Matsuoka, a photography student, he also agrees to sleep with him for money even though he is straight. However, what started as a small taste of the forbidden soon spirals out of control when Shinomiya begins selling his body to other guys as a prostitute in a male brothel. Can Matsuoka save Shinomiya from himself?2. VanityAfter the events of Lovers and Souls, Tooru is still deeply heartbroken. Trying to find solace in Hikaru, Tooru challenges the terms of their friendship. But can he handle the consequences?3. Sleeping BeautyMatsuoka sees Tooru for the first time.4. A Moon in Name OnlyIn their last year of high school, Akihiko Nozaki admits to his best friend Kai that he's gay. Kai is stunned but it doesn't change their friendship, but Kai's curiosity is aroused and he begins to see Nozaki differently.5. The Name of that SkySequel to "A Moon in Name Only", told more from Nozaki's point of view. Nozaki isn't sure whether to trust that his relationship with Kai will last, since he's even been dumped by gay men before. What's to keep a guy who wasn't even gay from breaking up with him?
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