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Maydare Tensei Monogatari CHAPTER LIST
  • Maydare Tensei Monogatari

    Alternative : Chuyện chuyển sinh ở Maydare ; Les contes de la réincarnation en le Maydaré ; Les contes de la réincarnation en le Maydaré: La pire sorcière en le monde ; Maydare Tensei Monogatari: Kono Sekai de Ichiban Warui Majo ; Meidea Reincarnation Theory - The World's Worst Witch ; Meidea Tensei Monogatari ; Tales of Reincarnation in Maydare: The World's Worst Witch ; Wiedergeburt in Maydare ; Die bösartigste Hexe der Welt ; メイデーア転生物語 この世界で一番悪い魔女; 梅蒂亞轉生物語 ; 梅迪亚转生物语 ; 美狄亚魔王转生记 ; 메이데어 전생 이야기
  • Author(s) : Natsunishi Nana Yuuma Midori
  • Status : Ongoing
  • Last updated : 24 hours ago
  • TransGroup :
  • view : 16.100.000
  • Genre : Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Romance, School life, Shoujo
  • 4.2

Maydare Tensei Monogatari:

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In the world of Maydare, where great magicians pull the strings of fate, there lived the "Scarlet Witch." She was condemned as the most wicked of them all. Makia is a descendant of that fabled "worst witch." Lately, Makia has been having dreams about a high school girl named Kazuha Oda... who turned out to be the person Makia was in her previous life! However, it so happened that Kazuha was murdered by a mysterious stranger...
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