Shihaisuru Yubisaki:
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Read "Kogareru Yubisaki" after this one, it's the sequel. 1-4)Shirashi (physician at hospital) was "examined" by colleges from university and it all was taped (label: "Midnight at the doctor's office") and sold . Since then he was afraid that somebody might know that and expose it to everybody. The most afraid is he of student doctor, Tsuda (neurosurger). Was he right? 5)When surgical intern Nakahara Aoi's secret is discovered by Teraoka Kimihiko, known as a strict but nice guy, he's embarrassed. But the surgeon turns out to have a sadistic side, which he only shows to Aoi when he blackmails him into a sexual relationship. Will Aoi escape? Does he even want to? 6)Impudent Ruler: High-schooler Sakuya is the son of a CEO and can never trust people to be honest around him. But when his father goes on a business trip and leaves secretary Kagami in charge of Sakuya, the boy finds himself softening in the face of the older man's kindness. 7)Hibiki's future is as the head of a tea school, and there's nothing he can do about it! No one seems to acknowledge that he's more than just the heir, even Tateyama. But though the older man offers him kindness, beneath the surface are darker emotions... 8)Extra for Aoi and Teraoka-sensei.
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