Watashi O Kaeru Koi O Shiyou.:
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Where in the world did all of these shiny people even come from? It was then that the bewildered Aimi laid her eyes upon a lady in full bloom -- Yui. She was a member of the Ladies club. All of the most sparkling ladies around her were a part of the Ladies club. There was only one rule to become a member. "No boyfriends!" Having just been dumped by her boyfriend, Aimi decides to join. Unfortunately, Aimi finds herself not in the same leagues as the other girls and develops an inferiority complex. It is at just that moment that Takashi -- the most popular guy in the Men's club -- appears. He was so handsome and for some unknown reason he was very nice to her. Aimi makes a decision to bring herself closer to "people from that world." She gets her courage together, sits next to Takashi in class, and asks him nervously for a kiss. Right then and there, Takashi reaches over to her and then...
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